Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Paul-a different point of view

The recently concluded FIFA World Cup 2010 has given birth to a new star. No, I am not taking about the Ozils or the Sneijders....it's Paul...the omnipotent Paul.
This man(oops... octopus) can predict the results of the games,that too with 100% accuracy. So media should go gaga over him.

But skeptical as I am, just thought about a possibility. What if Paul was not able to predict successfully? This is very much possible since the prediction is nothing but an illustration of good,old probability theory. The fact that it was able to predict the results correctly does not necessarily signify its psychic powers. Why can't we understand that it's purely by chance, not by some so called psychic power or anything else???

I have seen men, even the most educated of them,indulge in this kind of irrational activities. Why can't we be a bit more rational in our approach? Why do the supporters of the defeated teams show their frustration over Paul? Why don't they realize that they have been defeated due to poor football and not by any psychic powers?

Don't know when people will be able to think and act rationally??Till then...
Long Live The Paul....

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